Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

Where to start, so much to be thankful for? First, I would like to thank my lord God, Jesus because without their blessing I wouldn’t be alive; making me different. My parents who support me 100%, without them I know my life would be in a different path. My brothers and sisters who love me unconditionally, and my beautiful nieces and nephews.

Dior who’s always with me and never left my side; I’m blessed to have you. My bad bitchest, Jayla and London. Muah! The love of my life, my other half Marcus, I love you! Also Jei for just being such a sweet person, another blessing.

Next, I want to thank everyone who supports me or supported me now or in the past. You all mean the world to me. I try my best to show it back but a lot of the time it’s too many to respond back too. But know I’m very grateful.

Last and always least, I want to thank the hater and the people who look at me and my outfits and say What the Fuck? Because without you I wouldn’t be as strong as I am and I wouldn’t walk with my head held high. You people think you bring me down; never, you just given me another reason to keep pushing.


Paris, Im so Marvelous

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